We often get curious customers who inquire about why exactly we here at Enya LAR decided to open a Luxury vehicle rental company. Funnily enough, the idea for the business didn't actually come as a result of some childhood dream or an inheritance of a family business. The reality is, this company is a product of exhaustive market research and meticulously detailed planning from our team of professionals. We realized that the Thai economy was missing an amazing type of venture through this realization we were able settle on a Luxury motor vehicle rental co. for our mission. With our service, we are able to provide stylish and comfortable vehicles for all sorts of travelers from many different backgrounds. Our team was very carefully assembled to be able to communicate in various different languages, understand different cultures, and reach all sorts of communities who may be interested in our work. Our founder and CEO, Arinchaya Chaweewanchon, has made it her mission to serve local communities by giving back and working with other businesses in the community. Enya LAR regularly partners with local events, businesses, and charities by hosting and participating in promotional events that serve the community and its residents.
